Quickshot: Pixel 3 + Moment 58mm Tele

A quick series of photos taken with my Pixel 3 and telephoto lens from Moment. If you're not familiar with Moment, they manufacture lenses for popular smartphones. Their new 58mm Tele lens was made specifically for the Pixel 3 and iPhone XS(R?) phones. 

I purchased this lens and the required case a few weeks ago and I'm very impressed with the initial build quality of both. The Tele lens tightens up the standard 27mm focal lens of my phone and allows me to snap photographs that mimic the focal lengths I am used to with my Fujifilm X-Pro2. I plan to make some kind of review in the near future when I have more time to test this lens out.

We took a short break from our major construction project to spend some time with the pups and take them to a local park so they could run around. Interesting fact, the park in the photos below was named after Victoria's grandfather. The park is somewhat abandoned now because the townsfolk didn't like the high tension wires that run above it. The town has since re-dedicated another park in her grandfather's name in a more suitable location. I personally think this location is great due to it's location in the lakes but I don't make the rules.

Michael Mroczek

Michael Mroczek is a multi-faceted photographer based in Williamstown, New Jersey. He balances his roles as a designer, marketing professional, husband, and father with a never-ending passion for photography.


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Kitchen Floor Pt. 2