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Michael Mroczek

Photographing Osprey in My Lakeside Community

Diving into the water with a thunderous crash was the moment I realized this bird I had been watching is not a seagull. While holding our newborn daughter, I shouted “osprey, osprey!” through the window to my wife, as she was out in the backyard talking to our neighbors. This scene is imprinted on my memory as the first time I had witnessed one of these raptors hunting in the wild. I couldn’t believe this was happening in my own backyard.

Soaring high on a clear Sunday afternoon

Since moving to Timber Lakes in 2017, our family's interest in the local wildlife had been anchored by the bald eagles residing upstream from our house. These impressive birds, with their six-foot wingspans and sharp eyes, had become familiar sights during our daily lives. Amidst this great respect for the eagles, I had heard stories about another feathered inhabitant hunting in our lakes. Known for their impressive fishing abilities and distinct appearance, ospreys were said to be nesting nearby. Yet, despite these tantalizing rumors, their elusive presence remained just beyond my grasp. I had assumed that they were active in our area in the past, but had long since moved on. Another casualty of human progress.

Taking off from a tree.

Since that initial sighting, my awareness of the ospreys' presence has sharpened, marking the beginning of a gradual yet significant increase in their sightings. What started as sporadic glimpses has burgeoned into a routine experience, with this year alone witnessing a surge in the number of sightings. Nowadays, it's become a common sight to see ospreys soaring above, skillfully fishing out of the lake, or majestically perched on trees lining the water’s edge. Their activity, especially noticeable with the arrival of spring, seems to have intensified, with a memorable moment one Sunday morning when three were spotted simultaneously, canvasing the water in a spectacular display of their hunting prowess. Amidst these frequent encounters, a fortunate opportunity arose for me to capture one of these magnificent birds on camera as it took flight from a pitch pine at the corner of our yard, immortalizing a moment that epitomizes the growing bond between us and these splendid raptors.

Osprey in flight at sunrise

I must admit, if it isn’t already obvious, that I’m quite excited about the presence of these birds in my community. It may just be a coincidence, but according to wildlife conservation groups in the state, Osprey populations are increasing each year thanks to their efforts. I’m hypothesizing here, but I take it as a sign that our lakes are in good health. Facing a decline in the overall fish population due to excess vegetation growth, our community has engaged in a lake management program that has restored the balance between open water and vegetation necessary for fish breeding. There now appears to be a sizable fish population that is capable of feeding these large birds in addition to the bald eagles that roam the skies above. My goal for this coming year is to increase my efforts in documenting these birds and build a better understanding of their relationship to our local ecosystem. I invite you, my readers, to stay tuned for upcoming posts featuring my photography of these magnificent birds.

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